Here's what you need to do

Sign up for Google Reader. (If you've already got a Google account, just go there and start using it.)

Go to Settings - Goodies, and drag the "Subscribe" and "Next" bookmarks up onto your browser's bookmark bar. Visit all your favorite blogs, columnists, magazines, news sites and whatever else you like that offers a syndication feed, and add those feeds to Google Reader. (You know, with the Subscribe button.) Go back to GR and mark all your feeds "Read." Yes, I know you haven't read them all yet. You can go back later and do that if you want. Categorize all your feeds into groups so they're nice and tidy.

That's all it takes to become a super up-to-date info ninja. No more bookmarks, no more blogrolls, no more nothing. Just two buttons. One to add feeds to Google Reader as you surf, and the other to cycle through all your daily reads. When you've read everything new, you'll come to the end of the internet, and you will feel great satisfaction. Visit Google Reader if you want to add feeds manually, email stories to friends, or mark stories to be shared or for later use. exactly what the Lexburgingtonshire Public Schools are trying to give me with next year's school calendar. First week of school. Monday: off. Tuesday: half day. Wednesday: full day. Thursday: half day. Friday: off. Fercheezitsake, people. Oh, and as a special added BP-elevating bonus, the last day of school is a Monday, and it's also a half day. Fargenwar!
